Lee Academia College Admission Series
Lee Academia's very own Stephenie has authored and compiled guides and workbooks for a discounted rate.
College Admission Essay - Writing A Compelling College Application Essay.
College Admission Essay - Writing A Compelling College Application Essay.
Standout Resume & Brag Sheet for College: Workbook
Stephenie Lee, a Education consultant and Founder of Lee Academia has put together a simple, easy to follow guide for students on how to write a standout resume and brag sheet. Students need to understand the importance of having their achievements, academic credentials and experiences listed in a 1-2 page sheet and who to distribute this resume to. Students will learn how to compose and develop their resume with strong active buzzwords and lots of strategies and tips to follow. After working with both domestic and international students and having worked with hundreds of resume development workshops and more with collegebound students, Lee Academia has compiled a few simple strategies for students in this workbook manual to help get students thinking and working on their own. 'Standout Resume & Brag Sheet for College: Workbook' is a quick guide for self-study students. Interactive Workshops and consultations are also available at Lee Academia.
Stephenie Lee, a Education consultant and Founder of Lee Academia has put together a simple, easy to follow guide for students on how to write a standout resume and brag sheet. Students need to understand the importance of having their achievements, academic credentials and experiences listed in a 1-2 page sheet and who to distribute this resume to. Students will learn how to compose and develop their resume with strong active buzzwords and lots of strategies and tips to follow. After working with both domestic and international students and having worked with hundreds of resume development workshops and more with collegebound students, Lee Academia has compiled a few simple strategies for students in this workbook manual to help get students thinking and working on their own. 'Standout Resume & Brag Sheet for College: Workbook' is a quick guide for self-study students. Interactive Workshops and consultations are also available at Lee Academia.
Student Online Tools
2019 College Essay Guide
Learn how to bring out the strengths of your own voice and the best topic for your essays. Decide when your essays are ready to submit. Includes 2019 Common Application essay topics to point you in the right direction. Avoid common essay mistakes. Free "Writing a Compelling College Application Essay: Workbook" included. Purchase access to online tools through December 31, 2019.
Recommended Products
SAT- CollegeBoard's Official Study Guide
Lee Academia uses this resource to help students better prepare for their SAT preparation.
SAT- Barrons - Buy from Amazon
Check out this book if you're aiming for 750+. Best used from cover to cover. Strongly recommended for sophomore/juniors to start with. Certain sections definitely worth studying.
SAT- Kaplan - Buy from Amazon
Great Test strategies. Easy questions. Good for those aiming for 550+. Recommended for freshman, sophomores. Wonderful section inside book highly recommended for students.
SAT - AMSCO - Buy from Amazon
SAT Biology
Barron's SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M by Deborah T. Goldberg
Buy this book from Amazon.com
Lee Academia has two favorites for the biology exam. The Barron's guide is one of them. It contains an overview of the two SAT Subject Tests in biology, along with a review of test-taking strategies, a full-length diagnostic test, review chapters covering 11 biology topics, five complete practice tests (each with an answer key), a self-evaluation chart, and explanations of answers. Although this book is very thorough, it unfortunately is not as easy to read as the Princeton Review book described immediately below.
Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test, 2011-2012 by Princeton Review
Buy this book from Amazon.com
Stephenie likes this Princeton Review book largely because it is easier to read than the Barron's guide. However, she has some reservations about its subject content. We appreciate that the book is meant to teach you to do well on the SAT Subject Test in Biology rather than to teach anyone biology. That said, we suspect they may have cut some corners in selecting material to present for review. Nonetheless, this book is relatively easy to read and includes many good test-taking tips. If you feel comfortable with what you learned in your biology class and do not think you need a subject review or refresher, this book will likely prove to be more helpful to you than the Barron's guide described above.
A Note on ACT Books
We strongly advise all prospective college applicants who will be taking the ACT to purchase at least 2 books on ACT preparation.
First, we recommend the official guide from ACT, Inc., the organization that administers the test. There is a significant difference between the official questions you will be asked on the exam and the practice questions contained in any other test prep book. The ACT, Inc. guide uses questions that actually appeared on previous versions of the test to show readers what to expect on test day. There is no better way to familiarize yourself with the kind of questions you will see, and the way they be presented, than to buy and study this book.
Second, we recommend studying at least one "unofficial" guide to the ACT. There is indeed a way to study for this test and to materially improve your score. The better unofficial guides contain many time-proven test-taking strategies as well as excellent explanations for the reasoning behind the choice of correct answers to the practice problems. You will greatly increase your chances of receiving a higher test score if you go to the test armed with knowledge of ACT test-taking strategies and familiarity with actual questions from previous exams.
The Real ACT Prep Guide (CD) 3rd Edition by ACT Staff
Buy this book from Amazon.com
This is the only official prep guide available from the ACT test writers. We strongly advise all prospective college applicants planning to sit for the ACT to purchase this book. This is, by far, the most informative book available on the new ACT test. Included in this book are 3 real ACT exams.
Cracking the ACT, 2012 Edition by Princeton Review
Buy this book from Amazon.com
This book comes from a series of test prep guides that has been fairly popular with our clients. It is certainly our hope that this new book continues this trend. The CD-ROM and 640 pages are fairly comprehensive. (NOTE: The 2013 edition isn't scheduled for release until Dec 4.)
ACT- Barrons 36
Lee Academia uses this resource to help students better prepare for their SAT preparation.
SAT- Barrons - Buy from Amazon
Check out this book if you're aiming for 750+. Best used from cover to cover. Strongly recommended for sophomore/juniors to start with. Certain sections definitely worth studying.
SAT- Kaplan - Buy from Amazon
Great Test strategies. Easy questions. Good for those aiming for 550+. Recommended for freshman, sophomores. Wonderful section inside book highly recommended for students.
SAT - AMSCO - Buy from Amazon
SAT Biology
Barron's SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M by Deborah T. Goldberg
Buy this book from Amazon.com
Lee Academia has two favorites for the biology exam. The Barron's guide is one of them. It contains an overview of the two SAT Subject Tests in biology, along with a review of test-taking strategies, a full-length diagnostic test, review chapters covering 11 biology topics, five complete practice tests (each with an answer key), a self-evaluation chart, and explanations of answers. Although this book is very thorough, it unfortunately is not as easy to read as the Princeton Review book described immediately below.
Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test, 2011-2012 by Princeton Review
Buy this book from Amazon.com
Stephenie likes this Princeton Review book largely because it is easier to read than the Barron's guide. However, she has some reservations about its subject content. We appreciate that the book is meant to teach you to do well on the SAT Subject Test in Biology rather than to teach anyone biology. That said, we suspect they may have cut some corners in selecting material to present for review. Nonetheless, this book is relatively easy to read and includes many good test-taking tips. If you feel comfortable with what you learned in your biology class and do not think you need a subject review or refresher, this book will likely prove to be more helpful to you than the Barron's guide described above.
A Note on ACT Books
We strongly advise all prospective college applicants who will be taking the ACT to purchase at least 2 books on ACT preparation.
First, we recommend the official guide from ACT, Inc., the organization that administers the test. There is a significant difference between the official questions you will be asked on the exam and the practice questions contained in any other test prep book. The ACT, Inc. guide uses questions that actually appeared on previous versions of the test to show readers what to expect on test day. There is no better way to familiarize yourself with the kind of questions you will see, and the way they be presented, than to buy and study this book.
Second, we recommend studying at least one "unofficial" guide to the ACT. There is indeed a way to study for this test and to materially improve your score. The better unofficial guides contain many time-proven test-taking strategies as well as excellent explanations for the reasoning behind the choice of correct answers to the practice problems. You will greatly increase your chances of receiving a higher test score if you go to the test armed with knowledge of ACT test-taking strategies and familiarity with actual questions from previous exams.
The Real ACT Prep Guide (CD) 3rd Edition by ACT Staff
Buy this book from Amazon.com
This is the only official prep guide available from the ACT test writers. We strongly advise all prospective college applicants planning to sit for the ACT to purchase this book. This is, by far, the most informative book available on the new ACT test. Included in this book are 3 real ACT exams.
Cracking the ACT, 2012 Edition by Princeton Review
Buy this book from Amazon.com
This book comes from a series of test prep guides that has been fairly popular with our clients. It is certainly our hope that this new book continues this trend. The CD-ROM and 640 pages are fairly comprehensive. (NOTE: The 2013 edition isn't scheduled for release until Dec 4.)
ACT- Barrons 36
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