The college application process is daunting and fiercely competitive. However, a top college consultant can help her students greatly when it comes to achieving admissions at many leading universities. Before deciding to partner with a college consultant, you must be sure that person has the skills and credentials you need to reach your goals.
So, how can you be certain a college consultant is someone who can truly help you?
2. Expect Membership in Leading Organizations Verifying that a college consultant has a commitment to the highest standards of ethics and good practice as well as ongoing education is extremely important. Consultants who offer professional services need to be part of a community of experts so they can constantly improve their knowledge. Ms. Lee is a member of multiple college consulting organizations recognized nationally and internationally for their professionalism in this field, like NACAC, NAFSA, OACAC, NJACAC, and NYSACAC. 3. Verify Ivy League Knowledge and Experience Ms. Lee is not only an Ivy League graduate, but a mentor who is often invited to serve as a speaker at top admissions and corporate seminars. Her publications and courses attest to her drive to remain at the forefront of the changing world of Ivy League admissions. When not working with clients, she visits campuses of the top universities across the U.S. and worldwide and stays up-to-date with current admission trends and news. 4. Understand the Value of the College Application, Essay, and Interview. To achieve your admissions goals, you need help from someone who can assist you in distilling your distinct value and achievements into a series of compelling essays. A great personal statement serves to demonstrate who you are and your potential values as a member of a school community. And both a standout essay and interview can elevate your chances of admission to the Ivy League and other top-tier universities. Ms. Lee has an instinct for helping students organize their ideas and express themselves effectively in writing and in the interviews - helping them stand out during the application process. As a former Ivy-League Alumna Interviewer and Co-Chair of the Interview committee, she is familiar with the Dos and Don'ts of a College Interview. 5. Use Strategic Planning to Complete the Admissions Process Last, but certainly not least, is the ability to bring knowledge together and deploy it in practice. Ms. Lee has thousands of hours of experience as a mentor who leads students through the complex process of Ivy League and top-tier admissions from beginning to end. That includes setting goals, maximizing the impact of time spent and aligning clients with the most demanding admissions expectations. All of this translates into his students routinely getting into the Ivies and other top colleges. In order to be competitive in the prestigious and Ivy League admissions process, a top-level strategic approach must be employed - such a tactic can lay the strongest foundation possible for a lifetime of success and service. When you need the best possible odds of securing admission to your school of choice, be diligent in choosing the mentor who will guide you along the way. Lee Academia stands ready to help you on your admissions journey.
Happy 2015!
Many families with high school seniors have started and will begin to compare financial aid packages. Unfortunately, the early returns for aid now are not looking as generous as in past years. Some believe that colleges are nervous about major changes regarding federal aid and the way it is distributed. Colleges may be concerned that in future years, they may have to dig into their endowments. When financial aid letters do arrive, the different kinds of aid that make up the package can be confusing. There will be many questions, such as "What has to be repaid? What are the interest rates and terms for loans? Which items are renewable? What is the true cost with all the fees and living expenses?" And before families make their final decision, there are some critical things they need to know: What is the TOTAL Cost? Families need to look closely at the total cost of each college (tuition, room, board, fees, books, travel). They then need to subtract the amount of financial aid awarded to determine what the out of pocket expenses will be. Most schools will not include fees and living expenses on their award letters, thus the overall cost looks lower than it is. What Has to be Repaid? Families should not only worry about the total amount of their award. They need to know how much debt a student will graduate with; this should be a key factor in their assessment. So what steps should be taken? First separate out money which does not have to be paid back, like grants, scholarships, merit awards and tuition reductions. Then make sure to check the terms of each portion of the package to determine which are renewable for future years. Next, look at the work study and loans. Side note: work study is paid to you throughout the year. Compare the amount of aid that does not have to be repaid across all your colleges. Then, look at the loans as a separate amount. Appealing the Offer What? Appeal? Most families don’t realize it, but you can appeal your financial aid offer. Colleges usually reserve 10-15% of their financial aid pool for appeals. Work with our consultants, and wecan guide you on how to appeal and ask for more money. Note: Colleges will offer more money in an appeal, but it will rarely be the full amount requested. Filling the Gaps For many students, even after an appeal, there will be a gap between what they can afford and what they receive in aid. In some cases, it can mean looking at outside loans. Ask the financial aid office at your desired college for their recommendations. They may have approved lenders with good interest rates on loans. Private scholarships are another option, but be sure to check the terms of your financial aid package before accepting outside scholarship money. You are required to report all scholarship sources to your college. Also, keep in mind that private scholarships are usually just for one year vs. college-based aid which will often be renewed. Lee Academia Consultants can guide you in scholarship searches and applications. Now that you have your grades, test scores, activity lists and interests, where should you consider applying? We will help you find a set of schools that meet your needs. We are problem solvers and can find great options for any student, no matter what the circumstance.
Think you can’t afford college? Worried that test scores or grades don’t reflect actual abilities? Want to apply to the most elite institutions? Interested in special career paths? We can find the solution that works for you. Call us now to schedule a consultation and let us help you find best-fit colleges for you! Yes, we know the 2014-2015 Common Application will not officially be live until August 1st, however, as we have been telling our students, the essay prompts this year have not changed from last year's application.
So, rising seniors, what are you waiting for? Students can (and should!) get started on their essays now. Common Application Prompts Do you (the student) need help writing an essay that will improve your admissions odds? Contact us today! We will guide you through everything you need to know about writing a great college application essay. Writing a Compelling College Essay in 1-Day! Our 1-day course (5 hours, with 30 minute break included) will include:
Student Name, High School, Home Address, Phone Number, Email Address Credit Card Number (MC or Visa) Name on Card Expiration Date Early Registration (register before August 1 at 7pm EST): only $450 Regular Registration (begins August 2): $550 *Online courses are available, as well. Contact us for more details. Questions? Call 646.266.6084 The cost of a college education is one of the second largest financial investment next to purchasing a home. Currently, many private tuitions range between $180,000 and $250,000, and state governments have been decreasing their funding. Your financial decisions will benefit from our professional guidance.
As many students choose a college without adequate investigation and research regarding what the college has to offer them, research shows that one out of three college students leave or transfer to another college and five out of ten students require five or more years to earn a degree. Our objective assessment of the student’s needs at Lee Academia help us to use current research beyond website information to find the right “student-college fit”. Many colleges have become more selective and Lee Academia's College Consultants understand what is needed for top students to gain admissions. However, finding the right college for the average or learning differences students is just as important. Many less competitive colleges have higher drop out rates and lower graduation rates, therefore it is essential we carefully place average students in appropriate educational settings. High school counselors – both in public and private institutions – are so overwhelmed with student caseloads, federally mandated paperwork for special needs students, dealing with disciplinary situations, and scheduling courses. There is little time left for quality personal contact between counselor and the student applying to college. Guidance counselors will write a letter of recommendation, assemble a transcript, and include a student profile in the college packet – nothing more. For more information and to contact us for a consultation: click here. Today is the deadline for first-year candidates to choose among their offers of admissions, financial aid and scholarships. Congratulations to all college-bound students and hopefully, you all deposited on time.
Remember: While some colleges may offer an extension of the May 1 deadline, students need to call and/or email their admission counselor, and state the reason for the indecision, and many schools do not grant extensions. Deposits are not refundable after May 1. Also, after going through all the years of planning, researching, arguing, traveling, debating, analyzing, comparing, writing, thinking, fretting, and finishing strong, do not forget that getting accepted in to the college is FAR less important than staying in and successfully completing college. As always, we welcome your comments and questions. Feel free to email us or call us at 646-266-6084. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. Last week, Ms. Stephenie, our college consultant brought 14 high school students around the Columbia University undergraduate campus at Morningside on 116th Street, Manhattan, for a tour. They were told the superstitious stories about the Alma Mater and the students rushed to find the owl to determine who would become the incoming class' Valedictorian. Stories about the Tunnel and Manhattan Project were told as the students walked around and had a firsthand look at the academic classrooms. The infamous Havemeyer classroom where most filming take place was visited, as well as Dodge Fitness Center. Students had the opportunity to ask informal questions and to see a typical Columbia day in progress with many undergraduate and graduate students walking around campus, sitting at the Low steps, and playing soccer at the South Lawn.
After lunch at Columbia's popular cafe, the students toured the Butler Library and had the opportunity to visit the Stacks, observe the old card catalogs, and see hundreds of books that dated back to the early 1900s. The tour concluded at Columbia's Bookstore, where students had the opportunity to rest and buy Columbia logo clothing. For more information about future tours and the opportunity to have Ms. Stephenie provide you with a fun unofficial Columbia University tour, contact us. ![]() Whether you are thinking about applying to the Ivy-League Institutions or your local community colleges, college research is needed. Juniors, after they have taken all their finals and exams (hopefully, their first SAT by May), should begin looking into what types of colleges they are interested in applying to based on their current school records and grades. Knowing what colleges are best suited for them is the key step before applying. Lee Academia consultants are here to help. We have done all the research for you and will continue to stay up to date with current trends and admissions that only a few are aware of. With the March Madness, and seniors finding out their college acceptances or rejections this March and April, everyone becomes stressed and anxious, even the juniors who begin to think about colleges and their future. Do not listen to the myths and gossips out there. Speak to an expert who can guide you and help you narrow down your college options and find a best-fit college for you! Early-Bird Registration for College Consultations begin this April 1st, 2014. After May 30, 2014, regular Registration begins. Consultations are year-round with College Packages for rising Juniors and Seniors beginning in July 2014 to the end of the academic year. Contact us for more information. For most people, the third Thursday of March is just another day. But for medical students, it’s Match Day, the day that determines not only where they will work after medical school, but what kind of doctors they will become.
Matching medical students to residency programs is a complicated system. Here, medical students rely on a computer algorithm to tell them where their first job will be. The result determines not only the type of training they receive, but their medical specialty, where they will live and even the fate of their relationships. Every doctor remembers his or her Match Day. Good luck to the medical students on this Match Day! If you’re a doctor, please share the story of your Match Day experience. |
Stephenie Lee
Stephenie, having been a tutor/instructor/mentor since 1996, discovered her passion and founded Lee Academia Educational Consulting, LLC. after she left the dental and medical field. She loves teaching/mentoring and counseling her students. Her passion lies in educating others and helping them pursue their educational path. Today, certified in College Counseling and with more than 10 years of experience, Stephenie and her team continues to blog about current updated educational news and events. Archives
April 2016